About It

Malachi Rempen and Dan McLellan; gentlemen

So who are you?

How does this work?
One of us writes the words, one of us sketches a drawing - but we don't consult each other beforehand. We just mash 'em together cold turkey. Then Malachi inks and Dan colors and texts the final comic. 
Despite this black hole of sense, it's amazing how often these strips work.
Why not do a regular comic?
Why don't YOU do a regular comic?

They're not funny.
Wrong. Scientific analysis has proven conclusively that PaperComic is very funny.

Why is it called PaperComic?
Hundreds of years ago, it was called WoodcutComic, then PapyrusComic, then ParchmentComic. But we don't use parchment anymore. We don't anticipate moving into iComic or BrainLaserComic territory; we're fond of the feeling of paper, and the authenticity of hand drawings. Then we put them online.

How can I contribute?
I'm glad you asked! We feature guest artists and writers all the time. Contact us at papercomic@gmail.com, and we'll humor your ideas.

"Vis Prius Qualitas"